Live Tweeting from Today’s Council Hearing!

Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS) is now the DC Charter School Alliance!

Please visit to learn about our new organization and to see the latest news and information related to DC charter schools.

The FOCUS DC website is online to see historic information, but is not actively updated.

Thank you to all those who showed up in support of public charter schools to today’s public roundtable on Mayor Gray’s request to allocate $25 million in supplemental funding for traditional public schools with no additional funding for public charters. 


We couldn’t be more grateful for the dedication and passion of our supporters.  But, for those of you who didn’t happen to make it, we’ve got you covered. 


Throughout the morning, we were on the scene tweeting to share snippets of testimony from many of the leaders from the DC public charter school community.  If you don’t happen to follow us on Twitter (@FOCUSdc), here's what we tweeted:


Many thanks to all the charter leaders who testified, including:


- Robert Cane, our Executive Director;

- Donald L. Hense, Chairman of Friendship Public Charter School;

- Ramona Edelin, Executive Director, DC Association for Chartered Public Schools;

- Alexandra Pardo, Executive Director of Thurgood Marshall Academy PCHS;

- Jessica Wodatch, Executive Director of Two Rivers PCS;

- Martha Cutts, Head of School, Washington Latin PCS;

- Russ Williams, Executive Director of Apple Tree Learning PCS;

- Yohance Maqubela, Executive Director, Howard University School of Math and Science;

- Jenny DuFresne, Founder/Head of School, Septima Clark Public Charter School;

- James Henderson, Chief Operating Officer of E.L. Haynes PCS;

- Cassandra Pinckney, Founder and Executive Director of Eagle Academy PCS; and        

- Steve Glazerman, Co-founder of Washington Yu Ying PCS.