Our School Quality Dashboard: Helping You Find the Right School

Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS) is now the DC Charter School Alliance!

Please visit www.dccharters.org to learn about our new organization and to see the latest news and information related to DC charter schools.

The FOCUS DC website is online to see historic information, but is not actively updated.

Need help finding the right school for your child? Our School Quality Dashboard can help!


Since its launch, our School Quality Dashboard (SQD) has been a lifesaver for parents trudging through DC school options. We've just recently launched our latest version of the SQD with an improved, mobile-friendly interface.


So what makes the SQD so valuable to parents? The SQD empowers you to make informed school selections that fit best with your children. You can filter through schools in a number of ways: look for bilingual schools, Montessori programs, college preparatory high schools, schools close to home, or do a comparison search for school performance by higher proficiency, higher growth, or both.




You can compare DC schools with these metrics through our Compare Schools feature under the Select a Data View field. This drop-down menu also allows you to see reading and math DC CAS results by year for all DC schools.


Likewise, the SQD lets you filter schools by ward, grade, student subgroup, and education program in comparing schools. What’s more, you can use all these standards to evaluate traditional public schools alongside public charter schools. Are you looking for a specific type of school such as expeditionary or International Baccalaureate? Use this tool to narrow your search to find the perfect school--DCPS or charter--for your child.


Don’t miss out on seeing the merits of DC public charter schools for yourself. Be sure to use the SQD to find your ideal school!  For help with the SQD, contact FOCUS by phone at 202 387-0405 or by email at info@focusdc.org.