Washington Latin Test Scores Soar

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The Current
Letters to the editor
September 2, 2009
Washington Latin test scores soar

I read with interest the encouraging news in The Current about the successes of students in various Northwest schools on this year’s DC Comprehensive Assessment System tests [“Local schools enjoy boost on spring DC-CAS scores,” Aug. 19]. I want to remind readers that a number of the District’s public charter schools’ students also performed well last spring. My faculty and I are particularly proud of our Washington Latin Public Charter School students, 82 percent of whom were profi- cient in both reading and math.
Your article quoted one edu- cator as having said that there is no magic bullet. Indeed, there is not, but we are all working hard to improve the quality of a Washington, D.C., education.

Martha C. Cutts
Head of School, Washington Latin Public Charter School

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